Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Poem from Loves Journey

It's TIme

Capitulating is not change
Fear is not love
Silence is not harmony
Humiliation is not revenge
Forgiveness is not conditional
Desperation is not sexy
Misplaced anger is not fair
Love is not a puzzle piece
Begging is not understanding
Instability is not a reason
Loves victims do end up in graves
Rules of love are unpredictable
Being respectful is not
Cowardice is an excuse
Cowardice is no excuse
Actions overrode your words
You did not have my back
Now you only see my back

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Watching a cop show dealing with drunk drivers.  They always ask the person to say the alphabet without singing it.
I tried this at home sober and by the letter D I was humming in my head and began to sing the alphabet song.  I realized I cannot do it without singing the song. Unless I do it very very slowly which is probably a sign for being drunk.  Now I am afraid to get pulled over. Will I be arrested and  go to jail?
What if they choose Mississippi? I learned how to spell that word from the little bouncing ball and cannot spell it without singing it.  So if that was the choice well……..
Clink clink    off to the slammer
Excuse me officer,  I get to make a phone call..  A  B    C   D